ECOSCRIPT.COM to Lead Report on State of the Ghanaian Environment



On the 22nd of December, 2013, seven students of the Department of Environmental Science University of Cape Coast took a bold step to create what has come to be known as Ghana’s first Environmental Conservation Blog.

These students believe that the reason why Ghana is not prioritizing Environmental issues even to the extent of excluding it in her national state of the nation address is because Ghanaians are not putting politicians and policy makers on their toes to consider environmental issues as priority in national developmental agenda.

It is also because the media has not done its best in creating awareness about the implications of destroying the environment. Aware of the fact that there is no media house in Ghana that focuses on only environmental issues i.e. advocacy, education and engagement, decided to create an online space that will make up for this gap.

Their mission is to increase the awareness of the ordinary Ghanaian on the state of the Ghanaian Environment and more importantly to increasing local environmental content. Speaking to some of the volunteers of the Ecoblog, I was told it wasn’t stressful since it’s all about what they basically study in the University. They said they are just translating what is been taught and trying to make an impact in Ghana.
Ghana has a rich natural environment that is been threatened by activities of Illegal mining, improper waste management and “anti-environmental” policies. Their concept seeks to address these challenges by empowering the citizenry through awareness creation to join the fight to protect the environment.
Activities of ECOSCRIPT.COM ( are; EcoNews Blogging, EcoArticles Blogging, EcoOpportunities Blogging, EcoPhoto Blogging

EcoNews contains wide variety of authentic environmental related news around the globe that informs whilst seeking solutions to global and local environmental challenges.

EcoArticles contains environmental related articles from our authoritative authors. These articles provide insight on environmental challenges whilst suggesting alternative solutions to them. It also showcases interviews from environmentalist around the globe.

EcoOpportunities advertises opportunities that exist in the environmental biosphere. These include educational opportunities, scholarships, conferences, workshops, and job opportunities.

EcoPhoto provides fascinating photo and descriptive text that tell environmental stories whilst projecting environmental related issues through photos. It uses photos to project global and local environmental challenges, prospects and achievements.

To you reading this post, I hope you have been convinced on how you can make impact by harnessing your ideas no matter how simple they are, to solve complex problems. This is your time, this is my time and this is our time. We cannot make that change when we keep sitting there idle. Create something that would make the world awesome.

You are great within. The world needs every bit of you. I will end with the quote of Mahatma Gandhi which says; “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

Alfred Godwin Adjabeng

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