ECOSCRIPT.ORG is an initiative by some University of Cape Coast, Environmental Science Students. ECOSCRIPT.ORG is an environmental conservation blog whose primary focus is to inform and advocate environmental conservation issues.
Activities of the EcoBlog are; EcoNews Blogging, EcoArticles Blogging, EcoOpportunities Blogging, EcoPhoto Blogging
EcoNews has wide variety of authentic environmental related news around the globe that informs whilst seeking solutions to global and local environmental challenges.
EcoArticles has environmental related articles from our authoritative authors. These articles provide insight on environmental challenges whilst suggesting alternative solutions to them. It also showcases interviews from environmentalist around the globe.
EcoOpportunities advertises opportunities that exist in the environmental biosphere. These include educational opportunities, scholarships, conferences, workshops, and job opportunities.
EcoPhoto provides fascinating photo and descriptive text that tell environmental stories whilst projecting environmental related issues through photos. It uses photos to project global and local environmental challenges, prospects and achievements.
General Focus: Informing & Advocacy